Thursday, April 2, 2009

Upcoming Events from I Love a Clean San Diego

Saturday April 25th from 9AM - 12noon
Location: Over 60 sites countywide

Sign up today for the 7th Annual Creek to Bay Cleanup with I Love A Clean San Diego! Volunteers will span out across roughly 60 coastal and inland cleanup sites on Saturday, April 25th to make a big difference for the environment and the community countywide. All supplies are provided, and volunteers will receive commemorative event reusable water bottles. Scouts can earn patches for all of their hard work volunteering. Visit the event website at for more information and to register at the site of your choice.

Call or email Natalie Roberts at 619-291-0103 ext. 3014 or if you have questions regarding the event or if you would like to register a large group.

San Diego Science Festival
Saturday, April 4th from 10AM - 4PM
Location: Balboa Park

Join in at Balboa Park for over 500 hands-on activities perfect for the whole family. Many popular museums will offer complimentary admission that day. Don't forget to stop by I Love A Clean San Diego's booth!

Gardening to Save, Conserve, and Harvest Rain Water Class
Tuesday, April 7 from 6:30–8:30 PM
Location: San Diego Natural History Museum, Balboa Park

With out a doubt, water is our most valuable resource and it's high time we treat it with the reverence it deserves. Examine the myriad ways people distribute (irrigation) and conserve (mulching) imported water. Study in detail methods used for eons by early cultures in harvesting rain water. Learn why the best place to store water is in the ground. The museum is also giving away low-flow shower heads and water-saving gardening tip pamphlets to all participants!

The San Diego Natural History Museum offers a water-conservation gardening series including classes on rainwater harvesting and water wise plants. Visit or (619) 255-0203 to register or for more information.

San Diego EarthFair
Sunday, April 19th from 10AM - 5PM
Location: Balboa Park

ILACSD is happy to once again be a part of one of the largest environmental fairs nationwide. San Diego's EarthFair features more than 200 exhibitors, special themed areas, a Food Pavilion, a special Kids' Activity Area, five entertainment venues, the Children's Earth Parade and Alternative Fuel Vehicle Parade and Show. We hope to see you there celebrating Earth Day!

San Diego River Days Cleanup and Graffiti Paint Out Event
Saturday May 9th, 10AM - 12noon
Location: The portion of the San Diego River that runs beneath Pacific Highway. Registration will be set up at the trail access in front of the storage facility at 4800 Pacific Highway, San Diego, 92110. Parking is available along Pacific Highway before you reach Rosecrans St.

Volunteer with ILACSD to cleanup trash and paint out graffiti along the San Diego River. Trash and graffiti blight the portion of the river running beneath Pacific Highway and freeway overpasses, visible in several directions. Join us and San Diego River Park Foundation for this year's River Days event! Visit our website, or contact Natalie Roberts at 619-291-0103 ext. 3014 or if you would like to participate.

Water Wise and Easy-Care Plants for Your Garden Class
Tuesday, May 12 from 6:30–8:30PM
Location: San Diego Natural History Museum, Balboa Park

Concerned about using too much water in your garden? If you are, it's for good reason. Water is such a precious commodity that we all need to think about how to make do with less. But making do doesn't mean giving up, nor does it mean brown and dry. Learn 30 (or more) plants that are water wise, easy to take care of and absolutely beautiful in the garden.

The San Diego Natural History Museum offers a water-conservation gardening series including classes on rainwater harvesting and water wise plants. Visit or (619) 255-0203 to register or for more information.

Kids' Ocean Day Cleanup
Thursday, June 4th from
Location: Coronado City Beach

Help local students take action for the environment through a cleanup and aerial art formation that sends out a powerful environmental message. ILACSD is seeking volunteers over the age of 18 to help supervise approximately 1,000 students that will be attending this annual event. To sign up as a volunteer, please contact Colleen Dahlem, Education Director, at or 619-291-0103, ext. 3009.

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