Thursday, February 5, 2009

Scholastic Book Orders

Dear Parents and Students,

I wanted to remind you that you can place your Scholastic Book Club orders online. I passed out the paper order form to students today. One of the books, The Compound, fits into waht we have been studying about the threat of nuclear war. It sounds interesting!

To order online, go to the Web address below and enter our class’s personalized user name and password.

Class User Name: SellersAmericanStudies
Password: Room202

Remember, placing your online credit card order is completely safe and secure.

Plus, when you shop online, you can take advantage of exclusive online-only offers and choose from an expanded selection of books and software. Of course, you can always use the printed flyer instead and have your child hand in a Book Club order form and payment at school.

Thank you for continuing to help our classroom earn FREE books and learning materials. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Mrs. Sellers

P.S. Orders are due by February 13.

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