The 24th Annual Coastal Cleanup Day event is approaching, and I Love A Clean San Diego and San Diego Coastkeeper hope to recruit more volunteers than ever before! This year's event has many exciting new elements, including new cleanup sites with over 70 locations to choose from, Spanish language outreach with bilingual sites, extra service project options alongside cleanups at some sites, and fun new giveaways and prizes at each site. Visit the event website at www.cleanupday.org for details about the event, site info, to register, and to download a waiver. Join us to reach our goal of 7,000 volunteers to make this the most successful cleanup ever of our beaches, bays, rivers, canyons, and parks!
3. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Sustain San Diego E-Waste Collection Event Saturday, September 6th from 9AM - 1PM San Diego County Administration Building's north parking lot 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, 92101 Clear out space in your home and help raise money for I Love A Clean San Diego by dropping off any unwanted electronics to be properly disposed of and recycled. I Love A Clean San Diego, Recycle San Diego, 10News, Azteca America, and the Department of Toxic Substances Control are proud to give San Diegans a convenient opportunity to make the right choice when discarding their old electronics. Volunteers are needed to help with paperwork and coordinate drop offs from 8:15 AM to 1 PM. All volunteers must be 16 years of age or older, and service verification can be provided. Contact Natalie Roberts at nroberts@cleansd.org if you are interested in volunteering. San Diego Padres Green Team Friday September 26th from 5 - 10 PM Saturday, September 27th from 5 - 10 PM Sunday, September 28th from 11 AM - 4 PM Petco Park 19 Tony Gwynn Way, San Diego, 92101 Attention Padres fans! Join ILACSD in helping to make Petco Park sustainable by joining the San Diego Padres Green Team! Volunteers are needed for the last home stand to educate fans about new recycling receptacles available at the stadium and help encourage recycling in between innings. Enjoy the game without having to purchase a ticket, and help Petco Park and the Padres stand out among other sports teams through these green initiatives. Only volunteers 18 years of age or older are accepted, and everyone must sign up in advance as a volunteer. Contact Natalie Roberts or Morgan Justice-Black at 619-291-0103 to register as a member of the Green Team. Beautify Chula Vista Day Saturday, October 4th from 8 AM - 12 noon Otay Park 1613 Albany Ave, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Register today to make a big impact on a neighborhood with the help of hundreds of fellow residents. Show your community pride through a multitude of activities, all acting together to spruce up the area in different ways. Everyone is asked to pre-register for the event, in order to be assigned to a beautification team. These teams will be removing litter, painting out graffiti, planting trees, and stenciling storm drains. Sign up to be a part of this dynamic annual event by visiting the event website today!
4. ILACSD IN THE COMMUNITY San Diego Loves Green new website www.sandiegolovesgreen.com If you are interested in finding green businesses, news, and information in one stop, San Diego has a new resource for eco-conscious locals. Learn about upcoming events, view message boards, read environmental articles, and a peruse a directory of environmental businesses and organizations, including ILACSD! La Mesa Environmental Awareness Festival Saturday, September 13th from 10AM - 2PM Harry Griffin Park 9550 Milden Street, La Mesa 91942 The City of La Mesa and the Environmental Sustainable Committee are sponsoring the La Mesa Environmental Awareness Festival, encouraging community members to sustain La Mesa and sustain the Earth. Join in the fun with activities and games for all ages, information and resources about water conservation, energy efficiency, recycling, composting, solar cooking, storm drain runoff, master gardening, and more! Take advantage of on-site opportunities including shade trees, a recycling drop off, and an incandescent light bulb exchange for up to 5 energy-efficient compact bulbs. Plus, don't forget to stop by I Love A Clean San Diego's booth! For more information, visit the City of La Mesa's webpage.
FLOW the Film Premiere Friday, September 19th - Thursday, September 25th May run longer depending on interest level Landmark Ken Theater 4061 Adams Ave, San Diego 92116 Oscilloscope Pictures brings Irena Salina's award winning documentary to the Ken in San Diego this month. The powerful film builds a case against the growing privatization of the world's dwindling fresh water supply with an unflinching focus on politics, pollution, human rights, and the emergence of a domineering world water cartel. Beyond identifying the problem, FLOW also gives viewers a look at the people and institutions providing practical solutions to the water crisis and those developing new technologies, which are fast becoming blueprints for a successful global and economic turnaround. The film's message will be supported by speakers from various local environmental organizations, including ILACSD staff on Sept. 24th. For more information, visit the film's website at www.flowthefilm.com
14th Annual Pacific Islander Festival Saturday, September 27th and Sunday, September 28th 9AM - 5PM Ski Beach in Mission Bay East side of Vacation Isle off of Ingraham Street, San Diego 92109 Celebrate Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia at the Pacific Islander's Festival this month, at possibly one of the biggest luaus around! The festivities are brought to life with vibrant colors, pounding drum beats, and elaborate costumes. Vendors will be on hand to entertain you and the whole family with arts, crafts, food, drink, and educational information about the Pacific Islanders and their culture. ILACSD will join in the celebration, so be sure to stop by our booth!
5. BIOCOMPOSTABLES By Connie Glenn, ILACSD's Education Coordinator While walking around the zoo the other day, I looked at the cold drink in my hand and discovered something very exciting. Written on the plastic cup I was holding were the words "environmentally sustainable" and "compostable". What I had just discovered was the latest advancement in our quest for a sustainable society: Biocompostables. Biocompostables, including Bioplastics and Compostable Plastics, are made from renewable plant materials, like potatoes or corn resin, with no petroleum-based materials. They can be used to make consumer products like cups, bowls, utensils, to-go containers, trays, garbage bags, and even apparel and furnishings. Be cautious though. Unless specifically intended to hold something hot, these products are only heat stable to 110°. Any hotter than that, or even left in the sun, and these products will melt. The good news? On the production side, these items are made from sustainable, non-oil based materials. And on the disposal side, they have the potential to take up less space in landfills. Some items are able to be composted, a process by which materials undergo biological decomposition in a compost site without leaving a toxic residue. Others will biodegrade from the action of naturally occurring microorganisms like bacteria, or be recycled as plastics which are all wonderful benefits for the planet and humans. The companies that manufacture these products recommend composting them at a compost facility where moisture and temperature are regulated, something that San Diego County does not offer to the public. So, what better reason to start composting than to be able to properly degrade your single-use kitchenware. We still have a ways to go before our society is a sustainable one, but with innovations like these, we are surely on our way.
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