Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Parent Sign Up for Google Classroom Summary

Parents, please click on the following link to sign up to get a summary of your student's google classroom activity.


Thursday, July 28, 2016

Summer Assignment info


I am starting to get a lot of e-mails regarding the summer assignment.  It can be found on the right hand side of this page.  There are two links.  One for the terms and one for the actual assignment.  Read the directions.  They are very clear.

All parts of the assignment are due as a hard copy the first day of school.  No exceptions.  You must also have your assignment submitted to turnitin.com.  (Note: I apologize.  It used to say essay.  That was left over from last year.  There is not an essay.  You are submitting the analysis assignments for each passage to turnitin.com as one document.)

You should be able to submit to turnitin.com now. 12141016 orangepride

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

TEDx Youth San Diego

We are so excited that Valhalla High School has been selected to participate in the TEDx Youth Conference this year. 

We are looking for students who have demonstrated leadership skills both on and off the Valhalla campus. 

If you have not done so already, please go to their website to see what it is all about.  http://www.tedxyouthsandiego.com/

We can only bring ten students.  So there will be a committee that goes over your application to see if you are a good fit for this conference.

We will be letting you know soon.  APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY LUNCH ON FEBRUARY 23.  NO EXCEPTIONS.  Please submit them to Mrs. Sellers in room T-22.  Waivers and permission slips will be given once you are selected.

You will be providing your own transportation to the conference.

We look forward to reading your applications!!!!

Here is the application.  You can print it out and write directly on it if your handwriting is neat.  Otherwise, use this as a guide and type out your responses.  Please pay attention to the last part.  You must respond to all questions.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

MC/ Vocab practice quizzes

FYI.  All future MC Practice quizzes will be on passages you have NOT seen, in order to get ready for the AP test.  Your MC homework will still prepare you for those quizzes and is still due, a hard copy and online to turnitin.com. 

Monday, January 4, 2016


Make sure to be reading and studying for finals.  Tips for finals:  study the MC passages, 90/90 list #1, 90/90 list #2, the AP Lang Terms you received with the summer assignment, and syntax.  All of these can be found here https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2SfhJ-tB6PtbmNCUmNDNWtHYnc  Make sure to come in and look at the MC quizzes too!

Also, here is a helpful youtube playlist I created that will help you to study for the final and to review for the AP test.
