Monday, November 17, 2014

Analyzing Bias Questions

Here are the questions from class today:

1.  What is the author's main claim and purpose?
2.  List 2 specific pieces of evidence he gives to support his claim.
3.  How does the author's use of diction help his argument?

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Leaders Needed!

We are looking for 11th and 12th grade student leaders, who are comfortable leading small groups, to participate in Valhalla’s FIRST Unity Day Program on November 18th and 19th.  Students selected must attend a one-day mandatory training prior to the event (date/time TBD).  For more information about this opportunity, attend an information meeting this Thursday, October 30th at lunch in the theater.

Monday, October 13, 2014


Hello!  Just a reminder that the unit exam is tomorrow!  


Below, you will find the two possible prompts for the unit exam.  Please prepare for both of them.  You will not know which prompt you will get on 10/14/14.  You will be writing a standard 5-paragraph essay, in which you develop a claim (thesis) to answer the prompt and three subclaims with evidence to support your main claim (body paragraphs.)   Each body paragraph should make sure to have the following: a debatable subclaim, relevant and specific evidence, contextual background and details for the evidence and a clear discussion as to how the evidence supports the subclaim and/or the thesis (main claim.)

  1. How does conflict and adversity contribute to how the United States developed as a nation in the 1700-1800s?

  1. How does the quest for “the pursuit of happiness” impact the development of the nation in the 1700-1800s?

You will NOT be allowed to use your packet for the in class essay.  However, you will be allowed to use the GREEN prompt paper.  On the back, you will find space for your notes.  THIS WILL BE THE ONLY HELP YOU WILL BE ALLOWED TO HAVE OUT FOR THE TEST!!

Here are the new dates for the new unit.  You will get the work tomorrow.

10/16- 3.4 & 6.1
10/20- 6.2
10/22- 6.3
10/24- 7.1
10/27- 7.2
10/29- 7.3
10/31- 9.1
11/3- 3.5 & 9.2
11/5- 8.3
11/7- 9.3
11/10- 9.4 
11/12- 9.5
11/13- Test

Monday, September 29, 2014

Map Activity

On the publishers text:  Go to resources and then Atlas.

On my website:  Go into the History Documents Folder.  Open the Atlas.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Chapter 3,4 and 5 Due Dates

9/24- 3.1 and 3.2
9/26- 3.3
9/29- 5.2
10/1- 5.1
10/2- 3.5
10/6- 4.1
10/8- 4.4
Chapter 3, 4 and 5 test- 10/10
Unit Exam on Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5- 10/14

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Grade Portal and Responsible Use Webinar

Here is some information to help you check your grades:

1.  Click on the link that says Grades to the right. 
2.  Your login is your school id.  Your temporary passoword is your first and last initial and your birth date.  It will prompt you to change the password.  Just like when we logged into the chromebooks.

Responsible use webinar:

If you still need to complete that, click on the link that you can find in a post below this.  Also do not forget to return the signed form.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Online text

Hey guys.  If you are having trouble with the publisher's website, use the PDF version. It is on the right under history documents.  Also, you must open the PDF file to see the chapter, otherwise it just gives you a preview.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Welcome to junior year!

Hello everyone!  I am guessing you are here because you just picked up your schedule.  I am really looking forward to our year together.  Here are some things you should know before we get started.

Supplies we use often in class:
Lined paper
White out

Please know that your student WILL have homework and will be required to read and write often. Please ask them about what we are doing in class.  Your involvement will help insure your student's success, but ultimately the responsibility belongs to them.

Wish list:  We can always use lined paper, pens, pencils, white out, colored pencils, and hand sanitizer. Thank you so much for your donation.

See you soon!

Mrs. Sellers

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


History:  Your grades have been updated.  There are only a few items left in your grade.  1. The rough draft. peer edit of your speech. 2. The unit exam. 3.  Your speech.  4.  The final exam.  5.  Extra credit if you choose to do it.

If you submitted your extra credit earlier in the week, it might already be in your grade.   Speech day assignments are now posted on the window outside my class.

English:  I am still working on the Research Papers but I am almost done.  If I did grade yours, it is in your grade.  I should be done in the next two days.   Your essay/ poem is due Friday and your online resume is due Tuesday.  The Catcher in the Rye test is on the final exam day.

Monday, March 24, 2014 issue fixed!!!

Mrs. Sellers's Classes: I fixed the issue. I also extended ONLY the online submission due date one day. The essay is still due in class on TUESDAY MARCH 25!!!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Grades have been updated/ Upcoming Due Dates

Hello!  The first grades of the semester have been posted.  Remember, that there is not much in the grade right now.  So every assignment and test counts for a lot.  There is still plenty of time to raise your grade.  At this time, I have not entered the make-up/late/absent work.  That will be entered next week.  Have a great long weekend!

History Due Dates:

18.1- 2/10
Ch 18 Test- 2/19
Art Project Proposal Deadline- 2/24
Ch. 22 Test- 2/28
Art Project- 3/3
Unit Exam- 3/7

English Due Dates:
Grapes of Wrath Ch. 24-30: 2/13
Allusion- 2/19
Argument Paper- 2/26

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Grades, Upcoming Due Dates, etc.

For my English students-  Remember to be reading The Grapes of Wrath.  Your grades are updated.  Your OVERALL grade will be your final grade.  Some of you did really well on the final exam.  remember that it was 15% of your grade, so it did have a fairly large inpact.

For my history students-  When you look at your grade, you will need to look at two things.  In the drop down box, there are two terms for each period.  TERM 1  is everything in your grade leading up to the final exam.  TERM 2 is the final exam and your passes.  REMEMBER:IF YOU HAD ANY MISSING ASSIGNMENTS THEY WERE SUBTRACTED FROM YOUR PASSES.  So, your passes may not have counted as extra credit.  Your OVERALL grade on your TERM 2 report is your semester grade.

Here are the upcoming due dates for semester two.  The homework is in the folder under Ch 16 and 17. 

16.1- Due 1/28
16.4- Due 1/29
17.1- Due 1/31
17.4- Due 2/3
WWII presentations- 2/5
Ch. 16 and 17 quiz- 2/6

Friday, January 17, 2014

Final Exams

It is the end of first semester!!! 

English-  Please study the material indicated on your yellow study guide!!  You will need to be able to identify rhetorical strategies.  Not just the definitions!  You will need to be able to identify them in use, as well.

History-  Unless you currently have an 89.5% or higher, you will be taking the final exam.  I have posted the unit exam grades for those people who were close to an A, only.  All other unit exams will be graded during the week of final exams.  You will not know your unit exam grade before you take the test. 

Study tips:  I have posted all of the past tests in the quiz folder under History Documents.  Those should be very helpful to you.  We take most of the Final Exam questions from the old tests.  Also, study yout Telescoping the Times, your notes, worksheets, video guides, etc.  Do not forget to study your PIE handout!  There will be questions about PIE on the test.

I will most likely NOT be checking my school e-mail over the weekend.  However, I will be at school at 7:30 on Tuesday morning if you need to talk to me before the exam. 

Have a great three day weekend and happy studying!!