Thursday, December 12, 2013

Ch. 10 and 11 Study Packet

Reminder!!  Quiz tomorrow!!

Here is the Table of Contents for tomorrow:

*Imperialism Readings (Summary Sentences)
*Imperialism In Class Notes (Inculdes overview-with the quickwrite and presidents)
*Ch. 11 Overview (TT)
*WWI Timeline
*Impact on the Homefront Notes
*End of the War Bubble Cluster

Friday, November 8, 2013

Upcoming Dates

Ch 9 Telescoping the Times must be Read and Annotated by- 11/12
Chapter Overview Homework Due 11/14
Project Workday- 11/19
Ch.9 Test- 11/20
Unit Exam- 11/22

Monday, October 21, 2013

Date Reminders

Just a reminder that tomorrow (Tuesday 10/21) is the Ch. 5 test.  It is multiple choice.  It wil lbe on the material covered in the homework, in class lectures and the readings.  The powerpoints for the lectures are online. 

In addition to that, students must turn in their work for the chapter.  Some of them have already been checked in class, but none have been recorded.

I have attached a picture of the table of contents for their study packet from the board.  This is what they should be studying, as well.

The Chapter 6 homework will be given to them tomorrow and it is due on Thursday, 10/23.  They will have time after the test to start it in class.

Almost all of the assignments have some time in class to be worked on.  Please talk to your student about using their time wisely.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Grades and other stuff

The six week grades are now online.  Please check them for any typos or mistakes.  The unit exam has been graded and is included.

Homework:  In attempt to align our curriculum with the Common Core Standards, we are in the process of rewriting our curriculum.  Because of that , it is hard to give due dates as far in advance as I would like. 

So far, Ch. 5 is due on Tuesday 10/15/13.  Students were given the homework last week.  If they cannot find it, it is in the History folder on the right.

In addition to the background Chapter work, there will be readings that we do, as well.  Students may have a few questions to answer from the readings each night.  These will not take very long.

For example, they will need to read a piece on life as a cowboy for homework and answer some questions, due on 10/17.

As we get more developed, I will let you know the due dates.

Ch. 6 will be due on Oct. 24.  We will get that online as soon as we can.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Community Service Opportunity

Fuerte Elementary School is looking for volunteers to help with their Halloween Carnival.  Please call Grace Cooper at 619-549-7909 for more information.

Upcoming Due Dates

The homework is a little different for this chapter.

You have been given a worksheet for Chapter 4.  We will also be working mary source documents and preparing for the unit exam

Due dates:

10/4- 4.1 Worksheet (the front side)
10/8- 4.4 Worksheet (the back side)
10/10- Unit exam

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Grades have been updated.  They include all make up work and retake tests. 

If you do not like your grade.  Here are a list of things I suggest taking a look at.

1.  Are you doing your homework for points or to learn?  Don't just do it to get it done.  Do it to learn the material.

2.  Are you following directions?  Many student are losing points for simply not following directions.  If it says to write a sentence, then WRITE A SENTENCE!!!  A sentence has a subject and a predicate.  If you are not sure if it is a sentence or not.  Try pretending you are plugging it into a paragraph.  Does it make sense on its own?  If not, it is not a sentence.  Also it asks you to write the significance.  Do that!!!

3.  Do you know the material?  Can you explain a term without your notes?  If not, you do not know the material.  You may need to study more.

4.  Do your homework!!  Homework is practice.  Without the exposure to the material, you will be lost in class and on tests. 

Hope that helps.  In the end, it comes down to what you are willing to do to help yourself.  I can't help you if you do not want to learn.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Native American Assignment

The videos are online in the folder on the right that says History Documents.  The assignment is there too with the questions.

Remember to choose one of the objectives and write a PIEIEC on it.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Grades have been updated!

Your password is the same as your Google password from class.  Your login is your last name.  Make sure to choose the right period.

If you are new to my class, your password is currently your id number.  I will get you the other info soon.  Also, I have not gotten any scores from Mr. Bussey yet.

Remember that this is in no way your final grade.  This is just for you to check that this matched what you have gotten back in class.

No make-up or corrected work has been entered yet.  You just gave it to me today!  I am good, but not that good.  :-)

I do not use Engrade.  Just click on the link that says Grades on the right.  Or click here 



*Grades- should be updated later today, Friday afternoon at the latest.  Will include the first test.

*Students had the opportunity today to redo incorrect homework and turn it in for full credit.  They also had the one time deal of turning in any missing work for half credit.  This was a one time deal.  It will take some time for this to be reflected in their grade.  GRADES WILL NOT SHOW THE CORRECTIONS OR MAKE UP WORK THIS WEEK.

*New dates-  Below you will see the dates for the next chapter.

9/23- Ch 3.1
9/15- Ch 3.2
9/27- Ch 3.3
9/30- Ch 3.4
10/1- I will be lecturing on 3.5 in class. If the student is absent, it is their responsibility to cover the material by doing the homework for that section.
10/2- Ch 3 Test

Please be mindful that incomplete assignments are not accepted.  Please just follow the directions for the homework.  The homework is the "assessment" at the end of each section.

Monday, September 9, 2013


Hello everyone!!  To access our online textbook, you will need the login that I gave you in class.  Then you will need to go to

Here are the upcoming due dates for this unit.

9/10- 1.3 and 1.4 homework p. 30 and 39
9/11- 2.1 p. 53
9/13- 2.2  p. 63
9/16- 2.3  p. 71
9/18- 2.4  p. 79
9/20- Chapter 1 and 2 quiz!!

You do not have to do separate notes.  Just do the "assessment" at the end of each section.  I have given you the page numbe of the assignment above.

Monday, August 12, 2013


Hello parents and new students!!!!

If you are wondering what you will need to be successful in this class, in terms of supplies, here is a suggested list:

*Loose leaf paper
* a section in your binder for this class or a separate binder
*a planner or calendar
*colored pencils

Also, if you want to help our classroom out with supplies too, I have registered our class at

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Project Helpful Links

First, please remember that your completed paper is due May 14.

All of the documents that we have given you or that we created to help you are on the right in Downloadable Content.

Here are some other helpful links for you:  For help with creating your works cited page.  For help with parenthetical citation or just the format of the paper in general.  To submit your paper.

Also, here is a link to a sample research paper.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Test Amnesty Day and Project

Reminder:  Test Amnesty day is May 7 at 10 am.  If you are missing any tests from this semester and you missed all the other make up days, this is your last chance.  It will be at 10 am during the period 7 testing block with Mr. Bussey in room 204.

Also, do not forget that you should be working on your project.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Parent Permission letter for the Project

Dear Parent,



We just finished learning about all of the different movements in the 1960’s and 1970’s.  Now our history teacher is asking us to think about an issue currently going on in America that we feel needs to change.  Please look over the topics below that I would like to research.  I will also be presenting on this topic and possibly taking action.
















I give my student, ____________________________, permission to research and present on the above topics. 


Parent Name:                                                               Phone Number:



Friday, April 19, 2013

Unit Exam Prompts

Here are the unit exam prompts so that you can start preparing.

On the day of the exam, you will get either #1 OR #2, #3 for sure, and #4 for sure.  I will chosoe which group you will talk about for number 4.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Grade Updates and Upcoming Dates

Hello everyone!!  I know that some people are very concerned with grades.  (Grades are currently up to date online) The scores for many on the first two tests are low.  When talking to students, most admitted that they did not study.  When I look back at last semester's quiz grades, they are comparable.  Students really need to study.  The note taking guide should serve as a study guide as well.  Student should be able to explain each term on the list and its significance to the topic.  For example:  Tet Offensive.  Students should be able to talk about what the Tet Offensive was and WHY and HOW it was significant to the Vietnam War.  It is not enough to define it.  The Vietnam Quiz is on March 6.  Please have your student study!!!!!  This will be the last thing in the assesment category for the progress report.

The other thing to consider is that we usually have a project and a written unit exam in the assesment category that help to balance out the chapter quiz grades.  This unit our unit exam and project are combined into a full length essay.  This essay will count as the unit exam and the project for this unit.  However, it will not be going in on this progress report.  Our grades are due March 11 and the essay is not due until the March 13.  After that, it will take me a few weeks to grade all 200 of them. 

Here is a list of upcoming dates for this unit:
March 6- Vietnam Quiz, Chapter 21 work due (It has acutally been due throughout the chapter, however I had students hold the notes to study), Essay Outline Due
March 8- Extra Credit Due (if student wants it to count for progress report)
March 11- Essay Rough Draft Due
March 13-  Essay Final Draft Due (Do not forget to submit it to

Dates for the next unit:
March 8- 17.1 Due
March 12- 17.2 Due
March 14- 17.3 Due
March 15- Extra Credit Due
March 18- 18.1 Due
March 20- 18.2 Due
March 22- Post War Quiz

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Extra Credit Opportunity

Fallen Angels Extra Credit Assignment


This assignment will require you to read the novel Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers.  Please follow the directions.  If any part is missing, you will not get credit.  You need to type your assignment.



1. Label your paper Fallen Angels. 


2.  Write these objectives at under the heading:

            *Explain how the novel shows the impact of war on Americans.

            *Explain how the novel fits into our unit of study.

3.  Write a half page summary of the novel.

4.  Choose one of the objectives to focus on.  Write a PIE-IE in which you use specific examples from the film.





¨     Typed

¨     Half page summary

¨     PIE-IE on one of the objectives

¨     Due March 8 if you want it to count for this progress report.  Due March 15 for everyone else.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Grades and other stuff

Semester Grades will be posted online at some point today.

Here is how to read them:

Overall= your semester grade

Please bring your book on Monday!!  If you missed the final exam due to illness, we will be having a make-up on Tuesday at 2 pm.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Grades, Finals and Studying

Your grade going in to the final has been posted.  If you have an 89.5% or higher, congratualtions, you do not have to take the final exam!!!  Remember, you need at least a 63% to pass the class.

Study tips:

*Use the notetaking guides as a study guide
*Re-read the chapters.  The final is on chapters 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 and 13
*Review the past quizzes.  We have posted the old quizzes with the answers.  Almost all of the final exam questions come from the past tests.

If you want to find out what you need to get on the final to get a certain grade, check out this website.  Trent Marlow showed it to me.  The final exam is worth 15% of your grade.  I round up at .5.  For example, an 89.5% is an A-, a 79.5% is a B-.

Good luck!!!  I probably will not be checking my e-mail until Tuesday morning, so if you have any questions, I will answer them then.